Monday, 15 December 2014

we all have a part to play in all our undertaking before God can come in

God will never do what you ought to do for you.
Is true that we need God's grace and blessings in what we do but he can only come in when we have concluded our part.

You can't sit at home all day praying out your asking God to bless you with riches when you have nothing doing. Get out of your house and get something to start doing, only then will he make you rich though your work. We ask for the gift of intelligence, yet we don't read books, how then do you want God to help you?

From stories I've heard and from people's life experience,it is clear that, you and you alone is holding yourself back.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

I am Just getting up from my bed after having 8 hours of rest. 
I am dull and I'm begining to nag about any thing and Evey thing around me. 
Saying nice words to any one or replying with manners to any one is like punishing me.

I am all set and ready to go out, but my expression all round seems like l am going for a fight. 

Then l stop for a second and I'm like "why am l like this today?"
At the moment l can't even say why because l asked that question still in this nagging state and I'm not even patient to listen to my self.



am on the wheels yet l am fighting with the cars and even the road itself. 
Finally, I've reached my destination.

It's evening,
I'm back home,
How was my day?

You should know the answer,

Very bad,
I fought with every body and every thing.

What a day !!!

                                      WHAT HAPPENED TODAY?

                        WHY WAS MY DAY LIKE THIS?