Sunday, 23 August 2015

Enjoy The Power And Beauty Of your youth

What a stage in life that is very promising ! With lots of strengths and inspiration to do lots of things. A stage that is filled with powerful imaginations and the feeling of being just anything one thinks of. It is a phase of life that is all about discovering your potentials and your abilities. An age that is meant to shape you for the next stage in life(adult hood).
God is the foundation of the youthful age. He is the master of the youthful age. He knows and understand perfectly well this age. He created this opportunity of discovery so we can be close to him and he close to us, that way we can understand who we are.

The youthful age practically defines you. Youth is the stage of constructing the self-concept . The self-
concept of youth is influenced by several variables such as peers, lifestyle, gender, and culture. It is the time of a person's life in which they make choices which will affect their future. It's a mind set development stage.

The power of being a youth is the ability to explore
And try out different things, it is a period that every youth is expected to take advantage of every opportunity that comes one's way to actually figure out one's own abilities and strengths and talent. It's a time to figure out what will work out well for you and what won't. It a period of formation. Formation in all aspect of life-physically, emotionally, spiritually, physiologically, socially, financially etc

The beauty of the youthful age is the ability to decide on what stand in life to take. The ability to choose the right steps and take decisions on situations we will find ourselves in.

The decisions we take, the choices we make, make or mare us.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded.
Try out all you need to try out now, be time conscious in all you do, think ten steps ahead of you and be a better you, have friends. Love, cherish and uphold your family but don't let them hold you down from achieving your dreams. Take risks but not unnecessary risk.
In all this, never forget God, make your plans and take it to him in prayer. Keep him close to you and you will experience just how wonderful he is. And lastly, make sure to use common sense.

P. Nnma