Thursday, 31 December 2015

I Love You

I want to do this,
Not because I really want to but because you want me to,
Some times it feels like I really want to do it but I have some reservations,
I think I don't want to do it,
But I don't want you to be unhappy,
Although it only means sacrificing my happiness for yours.

You don't want me to do things that I don't want to,
Neither are you saying that I must do this,
But I know if I should do this, you will be very happy,
I just need some time and space to be sure of what I want,
Because I am confused right now,
I want to happy as much as I want you to be happy but I want to make the decisions myself,
Truly, some part of me wants to do this but I don't want you to influence it,
Because I want to do things that I will be proud of and be happy with,

If you truly love me then you must be happy with my decision and support me when I take a stand.

11:08 am
P. Nnma

Thursday, 26 November 2015


Kiss me wen u r here
Love me wen we r here
Fill my face with kisses from ur love
And let my lips split in smiles

Stay in my soul
Bring my dispersing cloud ☁ together
Held by ur love
Kiss me again

Kill my fears with ur vows
Burn my sins with lovemaking
Hold my heart in urs
Kiss me Mylove again

Let d gods see creation a new
Let heavens bless your lips
And so shall my soul be blessed
When u kiss me again

Piece by ficotims

Friday, 30 October 2015

Growing up

The first cut is sharp and deep.
It feels like two worlds coming to understand each other. The other cuts after the first one is only an enhancement of the first one, either positively or negatively.
The first cut bridges gap and makes things crystal clear, until now things were fuzzy and blur.


Tuesday, 29 September 2015

My voice, my treasure

It's been quite a long time since I felt this way.
Tears filled my eyes as I listened over the phone, to the voice of the one that I've hurt so much by my actions.
It's been quite a while since this incidence happened,
" keeping the voice in the dark ".
I heard the words that I haven't heard in a long time.
Words that are better not spoken,
Words of a suffering soul,
Words of a wounded heart,
Words of a heart that is wounded and desires peace and love from any available heart.
Words that say, I'm a curse into this voice,
I'm nothing but pain, insults and disrespect,
I wish I hadn't known you,
I wish you were just a dream.
The words I heard are bitter truths to me.
It reopened a wound that feels like a sore,
Again, I have a big hollow in my heart.

I can't find the answer to why it happened, why I heard this words again.?
Crying silently in my heart, tears dropping continuously like water, nostrils getting blocked and wishing I never get distracted from it,
Trying to hold my self together, while I pour out my heart in self defense with my tears .
How I wish I saw this coming before hand, I would have prevented it, because I'm in love with this voice and I never wanted it to suffer even for a second.
I would have just kept a close watch from a distance in admiration.

Oh my voice, you were much happier before you met with mine,
I'm so sorry you had to put up with this.
Forgive me for being the opposite of what you call me and who you think I am.
For every pain and sorrow you've felt because of my voice,
For every worry and all your songs at night waiting for me,
I will make it up.
I can't stop this tears, I'm dehydrated.

Again I'm left with the question,
"What do I do?


Sunday, 23 August 2015

Enjoy The Power And Beauty Of your youth

What a stage in life that is very promising ! With lots of strengths and inspiration to do lots of things. A stage that is filled with powerful imaginations and the feeling of being just anything one thinks of. It is a phase of life that is all about discovering your potentials and your abilities. An age that is meant to shape you for the next stage in life(adult hood).
God is the foundation of the youthful age. He is the master of the youthful age. He knows and understand perfectly well this age. He created this opportunity of discovery so we can be close to him and he close to us, that way we can understand who we are.

The youthful age practically defines you. Youth is the stage of constructing the self-concept . The self-
concept of youth is influenced by several variables such as peers, lifestyle, gender, and culture. It is the time of a person's life in which they make choices which will affect their future. It's a mind set development stage.

The power of being a youth is the ability to explore
And try out different things, it is a period that every youth is expected to take advantage of every opportunity that comes one's way to actually figure out one's own abilities and strengths and talent. It's a time to figure out what will work out well for you and what won't. It a period of formation. Formation in all aspect of life-physically, emotionally, spiritually, physiologically, socially, financially etc

The beauty of the youthful age is the ability to decide on what stand in life to take. The ability to choose the right steps and take decisions on situations we will find ourselves in.

The decisions we take, the choices we make, make or mare us.
Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth. You will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they've faded.
Try out all you need to try out now, be time conscious in all you do, think ten steps ahead of you and be a better you, have friends. Love, cherish and uphold your family but don't let them hold you down from achieving your dreams. Take risks but not unnecessary risk.
In all this, never forget God, make your plans and take it to him in prayer. Keep him close to you and you will experience just how wonderful he is. And lastly, make sure to use common sense.

P. Nnma

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Power you possess

Our deepest fear, is not that we are inadequate

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure,

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

We were born to make manifest, the glory of God that is within us,

And as we let our own light shine,

We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

...........................Akeela and the spelling bee
P. Nnma

Thursday, 21 May 2015


At the moment
I talked,
He was unhappy,
Our souls sad.

At the moment
He talked,
I listened,
What's he saying?

Tears flow,
Thoughts of limitation roll in,
We are fighting it.

In all this,

There's is us,
There's still us,
There's forever us.


Monday, 4 May 2015


Try not to need any thing from any one.
Do with what you have,
Plan with what you have,
All you want to have will fall in place.

Don't say " I have nothing " or " I don't have a place  here "
There's a place for every one,
A place where every one is accepted,

Never let yourself be at the mercy of any one!


Stand up straight. Sit up straight.
Act with purpose and think before you speak.
Try to be as sexy as you can.

Mistakes are human.
If you slip up, forgive yourself, apologize to anyone
who may have been hurt by the mistake, learn from it and continue to grow.

Changing your behavior may feel unnatural.
If it does, remind yourself that you are a work in progress . A classy person is simply one who
consistently exhibits gracious, kind behavior , knows what she wants, dresses in the right attire for the right occasion .


Sunday, 4 January 2015

This moment Is yours, live every bit of it.

You are this moment where you need to be.

Take the opportunity to live it
With passion and purpose.

There is no reason to keep pushing
The best of life out of your reach,
Saving it for another time, another place, or
Another set of circumstances.

Now is the time,

This is the place to fill with goodness and riches,
With beauty and love.

There is no need to wait and hope
For things to get better.

For you can be your very best
No matter what else is happening around you.

There is nothing to be gained by wishing
That the past had been different.

Instead put your energy in to living and fulfilling
The very best of the countless possibilities that are
Now in front of you.

The value, the goodness, the love and effort
You give to this moment will come back
To you many times over.

Now is the time to invest yourself in positive,
Productive thoughts and actions.

Stop making excuses and start being the best
You can imagine.

Stop waiting and start to truly and fully live.


My Very First Poem

Night falls, Morning breaks.

How fast time flies,
Yesterday is gone,
Today is here,
Night falls,
Morning breaks

I was younger,
I am older,
Wisdom or foolishness.

A fresh start.

Recollections are made.
Some we keep,
Some we discard,
Some we ignore,
Some we struggle.

We still live.