Tuesday, 29 September 2015

My voice, my treasure

It's been quite a long time since I felt this way.
Tears filled my eyes as I listened over the phone, to the voice of the one that I've hurt so much by my actions.
It's been quite a while since this incidence happened,
" keeping the voice in the dark ".
I heard the words that I haven't heard in a long time.
Words that are better not spoken,
Words of a suffering soul,
Words of a wounded heart,
Words of a heart that is wounded and desires peace and love from any available heart.
Words that say, I'm a curse into this voice,
I'm nothing but pain, insults and disrespect,
I wish I hadn't known you,
I wish you were just a dream.
The words I heard are bitter truths to me.
It reopened a wound that feels like a sore,
Again, I have a big hollow in my heart.

I can't find the answer to why it happened, why I heard this words again.?
Crying silently in my heart, tears dropping continuously like water, nostrils getting blocked and wishing I never get distracted from it,
Trying to hold my self together, while I pour out my heart in self defense with my tears .
How I wish I saw this coming before hand, I would have prevented it, because I'm in love with this voice and I never wanted it to suffer even for a second.
I would have just kept a close watch from a distance in admiration.

Oh my voice, you were much happier before you met with mine,
I'm so sorry you had to put up with this.
Forgive me for being the opposite of what you call me and who you think I am.
For every pain and sorrow you've felt because of my voice,
For every worry and all your songs at night waiting for me,
I will make it up.
I can't stop this tears, I'm dehydrated.

Again I'm left with the question,
"What do I do?


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